
Alefiya Hussain presents on Security and Resiliency of CPS Infrastructure at USC’s Center for CPS & IoT

DETER’s Alefiya Hussain presented on CPS domain-specific specializations and her work on evaluating the security and resiliency of CPS infrastructure at the first Mini-Workshop on Cyber-Physical Systems Security and Privacy, held at the USC Viterbi School of Engineering Center for Cyber-Physical Systems and the Internet of Things, on May 2, 2017. Over the past decade, there has become a great interest in developing novel cyber-physical systems and analyzing them with respect to security.

DETER Team Travels to the Lion City to Work with International Partners

Terry Benzel and Goran Scuric  – DETER PI and DETER Partner Manager –  traveled to Singapore in early November to work with International DETER Partners at the Singapore National Cyber Lab (NCL) being developed by the National University of Singapore (NUS), under sponsorship of the Singapore National Research Foundation (NRF). The NCL is based on the DETERLab cyber security testbed.

LegoTG Presented at CNERT ’15 and Wins Best Paper

This past week I had the pleasure of presenting at CNERT 2015: "Computer and Networking Experimental Research using Testbeds", which was held in conjunction with ICDCS: "International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems". Sponsored by NSF-GENI, CNERT's aim is to advance experimental research and testbed technologies. Presenters spoke about technologies utilizing a wide range of testbeds including GENI, DeterLab, Emulab, and FIRE federated testbeds.

NIST Cyber-Physical Systems Testbed Workshop

This week NIST held a workshop on Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) testbeds. While the development of CPS testbeds is still in the early stages, this workshop was presented as an opportunity to bring a diverse spectrum of the CPS and testbed communities together, to talk about key capabilities that CPS testbeds should have and the design principles that make them possible.

NASPI Association to Contribute to Understanding of How DeterLab can Support Research in Cyber-Physical Systems

I attended the 20th NASPI Working Group meeting in Knoxville, TN on March 11-12, 2014. The NASPI Working Group is a voluntary organization of electric power engineers, technical managers in power-related corporations, vendors of products supporting power transmission, and academics in the power field.

Israel Visit to Establish New Cyber Ecosystem Capability

Several key members of the DETER Project team – myself (Terry Benzel), Steve Schwab, and Ted Faber – traveled to Israel to work with the Israeli National Cyber Bureau (INCB) under a bi-lateral agreement between the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and the INCB. Additionally, we took with us two DeterLab 'power users' from our DETER community – Sandy Clark, University of Pennsylvania and Ryan Goodfellow, Washington State University – to be a part of this exciting opportunity. DHS was represented by Dr.

NOVA: Protecting Against a 'Cyber Pearl Harbor'

PBS NOVA host David Pogue and a film crew visited USC ISI to learn more about cyber security and the DETER Project. As a result of this visit, PBS NOVA is now hosting a featurette about the DETER Project on their web site as part of their ongoing web presence, complimenting their television series Making Stuff Safer.

I had the opportunity to discuss with David the current threat environment and how DeterLab contributes to improving Cyber Security through experimental science of cyber security.

The DETER Project filmed for NOVA Segment on "Making More Stuff: Safer" with David Pogue

On Monday, August 5, our ISI offices and DeterLab facility were turned into a TV filming facility. Gemini Productions – Gail Willumsen and Jill Shinefield - producers, Jason Longo - cameraman, and Ken King - soundman ­– turned the 11th floor conference room into a film studio with all of their equipment. David Pogue provided the interview and on-air narration.
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