The work of the DETER team is supported by funding from the U.S. Department of Homeland Security Science and Technology through their support for the DETECT project. Additional support includes: DARPA funding for the SAFER project; National Science Foundation (NSF) funding via CISE and OCI grants and the GENI Project Office.
Since the 2003 inception of the original NSF/DHS-funded initial project, DETER has been supported by the NSF, DHS, DARPA, and DoD/AFOSR, in a series of grants for a variety of efforts including infrastructure expansion, testbed operations, community support, and research collaboration. Additional hardware resources have been contributed by Hewlett-Packard, Cisco, Juniper, and Sun.
In addition, DETER has been and continues to be supported by the efforts of many collaborators, from those involved in the original EMIST project (Penn State, McAfee Research, ICSI, Purdue, SPARTA Inc., SRI International, and UC Davis) to the current set of collaborators on the DETECT, SAFER, DEFT, and PREDICT projects:
DETER's thriving education mission is supported by the the dozens of universities in the DETER educational community.