LASER Workshop Call For Papers

The LASER workshop series focuses on learning from and improving cybersecurity experimental results. It explores both positive and negative results, the latter of which are not often published. LASER's overarching goal is to foster a dramatic change in the paradigm of cyber security research and experimentation, improving the overall quality of practiced science.

This year, LASER's goal will be to improve the rigor and quality of security experimentation by providing a venue where cybersecurity researchers can discuss experimental methods and present research that exemplifies sound scientific practice. We particularly encourage papers in three areas:

1. Well-designed security experiments, with positive or negative results.

2. Experimental techniques that help address common sources of error.

3. Replications (successful or failed) of previously published experiments.

Paper submissions are due Saturday, July 15, 2017. This is a hard deadline, and there will be no extensions. Please review the complete Call for Papers for additional details and submission instructions.

The LASER 2017 Program Committee looks forward to receiving your submissions!

LASER is sponsored by ACSA, NSF (Grant #144607), SRI International, and USENIX (In-Cooperation).