Alefiya Hussain

Alefiya Hussain presents on Security and Resiliency of CPS Infrastructure at USC’s Center for CPS & IoT

DETER’s Alefiya Hussain presented on CPS domain-specific specializations and her work on evaluating the security and resiliency of CPS infrastructure at the first Mini-Workshop on Cyber-Physical Systems Security and Privacy, held at the USC Viterbi School of Engineering Center for Cyber-Physical Systems and the Internet of Things, on May 2, 2017. Over the past decade, there has become a great interest in developing novel cyber-physical systems and analyzing them with respect to security.

Using Today's Data to Evaluate Tomorrow's Systems

The DHS DETER Project and IMPACTInformation Marketplace for Policy and Analysis of Cyber-risk & Trust – both provide information and resources for systems evaluation. We are working towards integrating these two platforms to enable seamless experimentation of large scale and complex systems on DETERLab using one or more data sets from IMPACT.

Ethics & Privacy in Cyber Physical Systems presented by DETER's Dr. Alefiya Hussain at USC Symposium at DECIDE

Dr. Alefiya Hussain hosted a panel on Engineering Ethics at the USC Center for Interdisciplinary Decisions and Ethics (DECIDE) on October 28th. The panel was part of the Fall symposium on Next Generation Ethics and addressed some of the engineering ethical dilemmas we face today or will face in the near future with advances in various technologies in the area of cyber physical systems and the Internet of Things.

Interns Use DETERLab Tools To Model & Evaluate School To “Off Grid”

During the summer, Dr. Alefiya Hussain hosted seven high school students from Chadwick School to do a five-week internship at USC Information Sciences Institute (ISI). The internship focused on leveraging the experimentation tools in DETERLab to model and evaluate the process of making the Chadwick campus an energy sustainable environment.

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