Alefiya Hussain presents on Security and Resiliency of CPS Infrastructure at USC’s Center for CPS & IoT

DETER’s Alefiya Hussain presented on CPS domain-specific specializations and her work on evaluating the security and resiliency of CPS infrastructure at the first Mini-Workshop on Cyber-Physical Systems Security and Privacy, held at the USC Viterbi School of Engineering Center for Cyber-Physical Systems and the Internet of Things, on May 2, 2017. Over the past decade, there has become a great interest in developing novel cyber-physical systems and analyzing them with respect to security.

USC ISI, Google, & Microsoft Research Sponsor GREPSEC 2 Workshop for Women and Underrepresented Groups

USC Information Sciences Institute, Google, & Microsoft Research Sponsor GREPSEC 2 – An NSF and CRA-W/CDC Supported Workshop for Women & Underrepresented Groups interested in Computer Security Research

The second GREPSEC workshop was recently held in San Jose, California, May 16-17, at The Sainte Claire Hotel. The event was very successful and included forty students from thirty universities. The day-and-a-half workshop preceded the annual IEEE S&P (Security and Privacy) Symposium.

DETER for Cyber-Physical System Experiments - News From the Front Line

On February 20-21, 2013, I attended the Working Group meeting of NASPI  (the North American SynchroPhasor Initiative) in Huntington Beach, California. This Working Group includes several hundred EEs and a few computer scientists, working towards standardization and deployment of instrumentation for monitoring and control of electric power transmission grids around the world. The goal is a significant increase in reliability and efficiency of high voltage transmission.

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