Cyber-Physical Systems

Alefiya Hussain presents on Security and Resiliency of CPS Infrastructure at USC’s Center for CPS & IoT

DETER’s Alefiya Hussain presented on CPS domain-specific specializations and her work on evaluating the security and resiliency of CPS infrastructure at the first Mini-Workshop on Cyber-Physical Systems Security and Privacy, held at the USC Viterbi School of Engineering Center for Cyber-Physical Systems and the Internet of Things, on May 2, 2017. Over the past decade, there has become a great interest in developing novel cyber-physical systems and analyzing them with respect to security.

Report on NASPI 2014 Survey of Synchrophasor System Networks

The NASPI (North American SynchroPhasor Initiative) working group brings together power engineers and other people from electric utilities, from power equipment vendors, and from academia. NASPI's objective is to improve the reliability, throughput, efficiency, and economics of the electric power grid by accelerating the widespread deployment of devices called PMUs (Phasor Measurement Units). A PMU makes fine-grained time-synchronized measurements of the electrical state of a particular point on the grid.

NIST Cyber-Physical Systems Testbed Workshop

This week NIST held a workshop on Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) testbeds. While the development of CPS testbeds is still in the early stages, this workshop was presented as an opportunity to bring a diverse spectrum of the CPS and testbed communities together, to talk about key capabilities that CPS testbeds should have and the design principles that make them possible.

NASPI Association to Contribute to Understanding of How DeterLab can Support Research in Cyber-Physical Systems

I attended the 20th NASPI Working Group meeting in Knoxville, TN on March 11-12, 2014. The NASPI Working Group is a voluntary organization of electric power engineers, technical managers in power-related corporations, vendors of products supporting power transmission, and academics in the power field.

Designed-in Cybersecurity for Cyber-Physical Systems Workshop

I participated in the Cyber Security Research Alliance (CSRA) and National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) two-day workshop in early April, “Designed-in Cybersecurity for Cyber-Physical Systems”, which explored emerging research needs for cybersecurity in cyber-physical systems within the diverse cyber-physical community.

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