Terry Benzel and Goran Scuric – DETER PI and DETER Partner Manager – traveled to Singapore in early November to work with International DETER Partners at the Singapore National Cyber Lab (NCL) being developed by the National University of Singapore (NUS), under sponsorship of the Singapore National Research Foundation (NRF). The NCL is based on the DETERLab cyber security testbed.
Goran worked closely with the NCL Team as they stood up their core research infrastructure for the NCL over the past year. The visit to Singapore was timed in such a way that Goran could work with the NCL Team to prepare for their 'soft launch' in November and Terry could also participate in the Workshop on Networking and Cybersecurity R&D Testbeds in Singapore and Beyond, held in conjunction with the 2016 IEEE International Conference on Network Protocols (ICNP). Representatives from the US National Science Foundation (NSF), Dr. Ken Calvert and Dr. Jack Brassil, also participated in the ICNP Workshop on Testbeds. Dr. Brassil gave a presentation on "Investing in Mid-scale Experimental Research Infrastructure” providing an NSF perspective on the importance of a variety of research infrastructures and testbeds.
In addition to these activities, Ms. Benzel and Mr. Scuric participated in a User Forum to introduce potential users to the National Cyber Lab facility and to highlight its capabilities. Terry, along with fellow DETER Team members Ryan Goodfellow and Steve Schwab (presenting remotely), introduced the research capabilities of the DETER Testbed (that serves as the core of the NCL) and described extensions for Cyber Physical Security (CPS) research coupled with several research case studies conducted in DETERLab.
This visit strengthened the partnership between DETER and NCL, enhancing the important collaboration efforts around the DETER Testbed facility. During the visit, both teams identified a number of potential research collaborations between NUS faculty and USC ISI (Information Sciences Institute) researchers. Plans for collaboration include:
• SDN in Testbeds
• Experiment Environment Enrichment
• Human Behavior Modeling
While in Singapore Ms. Benzel and NSF representatives met with George Loh of the NRF. They visited the Advanced Digital Sciences Center (ADSC) and the Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD).
The trip to Singapore was very fruitful and a variety of rich collaborations are in the works in joint research and testbed development.