
DETER Team Travels to the Lion City to Work with International Partners

Terry Benzel and Goran Scuric  – DETER PI and DETER Partner Manager –  traveled to Singapore in early November to work with International DETER Partners at the Singapore National Cyber Lab (NCL) being developed by the National University of Singapore (NUS), under sponsorship of the Singapore National Research Foundation (NRF). The NCL is based on the DETERLab cyber security testbed.

Where in the World is Benzel? Brazil! To Collaborate in Cybersecurity & Privacy with Brazilian Ministry of Innovation, S&T

National Science Foundation and Department of Homeland Security organized a series of joint workshops on Cybersecurity and Privacy with the Brazilian Ministry of Innovation, Science and Technology. The first workshop was held December 3rd thru 4th in Brasilia, Brazil. There were approximately twenty US researchers, primarily from academia, and an equal number of Brazilian researchers from a variety of Brazilian universities and industry.

DETER’s Terry Benzel at National Cyber Security Research Agenda at The Hague

I participated in the National Cyber Security Research Agenda (NCSRA) Symposium at The Hague, Netherlands on November 2, 2015. The symposium was for those interested or involved in cybersecurity research, development, innovation, and education. It offered a podium for concrete projects, either recently completed or in progress, for which two subsequent editions of the NCSRA acted as the framework.

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