DETER’s Terry Benzel at National Cyber Security Research Agenda at The Hague

I participated in the National Cyber Security Research Agenda (NCSRA) Symposium at The Hague, Netherlands on November 2, 2015. The symposium was for those interested or involved in cybersecurity research, development, innovation, and education. It offered a podium for concrete projects, either recently completed or in progress, for which two subsequent editions of the NCSRA acted as the framework.

Participants were given insight into the outcome (new knowledge) of earlier cybersecurity tenders and we looked at the programming of cybersecurity research in the near future. It included announcements of upcoming, both national and international, tenders in cybersecurity research and the introduction of new funding instruments, as well as an explanation of new initiatives in cybersecurity higher education.

Of particular interest was the announcement of an agreement between the US Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and The Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO) for a joint call on research participation.

I was involved in several panels and an ‘equilibrium debate’. The debate was a very interesting and provocative discussion on security and privacy.

Equilibrium Debate Participants:
• Chaired by Jaya Baloo – Chief Information Security Officer, KPN
• Rachel Marbus – Privacy Officer, Nederlandse Spoorwegen
• Terry Benzel – Deputy Director INSD, USC Information Sciences Institute
• Mireille Hildebrandt – Professor, Vrije Universiteit Brussel
• Lotte de Bruijn – Managing Director, Nederland ICT

I also presented on the DETER Project and Cyber Experimentation of the Future (CEF), followed by a panel discussion on the need and the availability of common platforms for research in cybersecurity of critical infrastructure.

Research in Cybersecurity of Critical Infrastructure Panelists:
• Terry Benzel – Deputy Director INSD, USC Information Sciences Institute
• Doug Maughan – Division Director, Department of Homeland Security (US)
• Bram Reinders – Manager Alliance Management, Alliander
• Sandro Etalle – Professor/Security Group Chair, Eindhoven University of Technology

Finally, I was interviewed by a reporter for The Netherlands' I/O Magazine on "Advancing Science by Connections". Click here to access the December edition that contains the article. (Note: Switch to 'presentation mode' for optimal viewing.)

Overall the symposium had many interesting presentations and I made some very good contacts with researchers and government representatives. I look forward to future collaborations.

For the symposium program, please visit: