Doug Maughan ActiveCyber Interview Discusses DETER: ‘Dynamic Defense Research Infrastructure’

In an online article published on April 21 by cyber defense site ActiveCyber.net, Dr. Douglas Maughan who is the Cyber Security Division Director in the Homeland Security Advanced Research Projects Agency (HSARPA) – within the Science and Technology (S&T) Directorate of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) – sat down with ActiveCyber founder Chris Daly to answer some questions on cyber research programs within HSARPA and plans to tackle evolving cyber threats.

Where in the World is Benzel? Brazil! To Collaborate in Cybersecurity & Privacy with Brazilian Ministry of Innovation, S&T

National Science Foundation and Department of Homeland Security organized a series of joint workshops on Cybersecurity and Privacy with the Brazilian Ministry of Innovation, Science and Technology. The first workshop was held December 3rd thru 4th in Brasilia, Brazil. There were approximately twenty US researchers, primarily from academia, and an equal number of Brazilian researchers from a variety of Brazilian universities and industry.

DETER’s Terry Benzel at National Cyber Security Research Agenda at The Hague

I participated in the National Cyber Security Research Agenda (NCSRA) Symposium at The Hague, Netherlands on November 2, 2015. The symposium was for those interested or involved in cybersecurity research, development, innovation, and education. It offered a podium for concrete projects, either recently completed or in progress, for which two subsequent editions of the NCSRA acted as the framework.

USC ISI Hosts a “National Conversation” on Homeland Cybersecurity R&D Priorities

USC Information Sciences Institute (ISI) hosted a Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Science and Technology Directorate (S&T) sponsored half-day National Conversation on future R&D plans – for both DHS S&T and across the entire federal R&D community – on June 4, 2015. Many experts responded to the call to contribute their ideas and unique perspectives on how to best develop the Trusted Cyber Future in this coordinated in-person meeting.

Israel Visit to Establish New Cyber Ecosystem Capability

Several key members of the DETER Project team – myself (Terry Benzel), Steve Schwab, and Ted Faber – traveled to Israel to work with the Israeli National Cyber Bureau (INCB) under a bi-lateral agreement between the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and the INCB. Additionally, we took with us two DeterLab 'power users' from our DETER community – Sandy Clark, University of Pennsylvania and Ryan Goodfellow, Washington State University – to be a part of this exciting opportunity. DHS was represented by Dr.

DHS S&T Cyber Security Division Principal Investigators' Meeting

I had the opportunity to participate in the DHS S&T Cyber Security Division Principal Investigators' Meeting in Washington D.C., September 16th thru 18th. The meeting had over 200 attendees, including researchers working in a wide range of research topics: Digital Provenance, Software Assurance, Security Metrics, Identity Management, Insider Threat, Cyber Forensics, Usable Security, and Network Mapping & Measurement.

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