Doug Maughan ActiveCyber Interview Discusses DETER: ‘Dynamic Defense Research Infrastructure’

In an online article published on April 21 by cyber defense site, Dr. Douglas Maughan who is the Cyber Security Division Director in the Homeland Security Advanced Research Projects Agency (HSARPA) – within the Science and Technology (S&T) Directorate of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) – sat down with ActiveCyber founder Chris Daly to answer some questions on cyber research programs within HSARPA and plans to tackle evolving cyber threats. Chris attended the recent DHS HSARPA Cyber R&D Showcase held in Washington DC on February 17-19, 2016. Anxious to share more with his ActiveCyber audience, who better than Dr. Maughan to answer some follow-up questions.

In addition to discussing the research presented at the showcase, Chris and Dr. Maughan talked about protecting the cyber ecosystem and the insights gained from engaging with a variety of cybersecurity stakeholders. An area that was brought up, relevant to the DETER Project, was the topic of ideas and recommendations for tools to make needed advancements in the critical field of the science of cybersecurity experimentation research.

Chris asked Dr. Maughan to explain the purpose of existing cyber tools, mentioning DETER (Defense Technology Experimental Research) by name. Maughan commented that DETERLab provides a vital testing resource, which is open and globally available, for researchers to investigate their ideas on in a non-destructive environment. In addition to research use, DETER offers education exercises giving hands-on experience to college-level students, our future networking and security problem solvers.

To read more of Chris Daly’s article, please go to: