Conference paper

LegoTG Presented at CNERT ’15 and Wins Best Paper

This past week I had the pleasure of presenting at CNERT 2015: "Computer and Networking Experimental Research using Testbeds", which was held in conjunction with ICDCS: "International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems". Sponsored by NSF-GENI, CNERT's aim is to advance experimental research and testbed technologies. Presenters spoke about technologies utilizing a wide range of testbeds including GENI, DeterLab, Emulab, and FIRE federated testbeds.

Cypress at TridentCom

This week I presented the first Cypress paper at TridentCom 2015 in Vancouver, BC. TridentCom is an international conference that brings together technical experts and researchers from academia, industry, and government to present work concerning research infrastructure and testbeds for advanced networking, cloud computing, cyber physical systems, and connected vehicles.

"Replay of Malicious Traffic in Network Testbeds" in IEEE Conference on Technologies for Homeland Security (HST)

The paper “Replay of Malicious Traffic in Network Testbeds” (by Alefiya Hussain, Yuri Pradkin, and John Heidemann) will appear in the 13th IEEE Conference on Technologies for Homeland Security (HST) in Waltham, Mass. in Nov. 2013. 

From the paper’s abstract:

CSET 2012 Workshop Report

I attended the USENIX CSET Workshop last month. This was the 5th CSET workshop.  The papers this year represented testbed designs, usage and education.  We had two papers from the DETER team - "Beyond Disk Imaging for Preserving User State in Network Testbeds" by Jelena Mirkovic, Abdulla Alwabel and Ted Faber and "Analyzing Resiliency of the Smart Grid Communication Architectures under Cyber Attack" by  Anas AlMajali, Arun Viswanathan, and Clifford Neuman. You can see copies of them and the presentations below.

LASER 2012—Learning from Authoritative Security Experiment Results

I am on the program committee for this interesting new workshop.  

The workshop focuses on research that has a valid hypothesis and reproducible experimental methodology, but where the results were unexpected or did not validate the hypotheses, where the methodology addressed difficult and/or unexpected issues, or that identified previously unsuspected confounding issues.

Papers are due March 26. I encourage members of the DETER community to consider submitting


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