Meeting presentation

DHS S&T Cyber Security Division Principal Investigators' Meeting

I had the opportunity to participate in the DHS S&T Cyber Security Division Principal Investigators' Meeting in Washington D.C., September 16th thru 18th. The meeting had over 200 attendees, including researchers working in a wide range of research topics: Digital Provenance, Software Assurance, Security Metrics, Identity Management, Insider Threat, Cyber Forensics, Usable Security, and Network Mapping & Measurement.

The DETER Project filmed for NOVA Segment on "Making More Stuff: Safer" with David Pogue

On Monday, August 5, our ISI offices and DeterLab facility were turned into a TV filming facility. Gemini Productions – Gail Willumsen and Jill Shinefield - producers, Jason Longo - cameraman, and Ken King - soundman ­– turned the 11th floor conference room into a film studio with all of their equipment. David Pogue provided the interview and on-air narration.

Designed-in Cybersecurity for Cyber-Physical Systems Workshop

I participated in the Cyber Security Research Alliance (CSRA) and National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) two-day workshop in early April, “Designed-in Cybersecurity for Cyber-Physical Systems”, which explored emerging research needs for cybersecurity in cyber-physical systems within the diverse cyber-physical community.

DETER for Cyber-Physical System Experiments - News From the Front Line

On February 20-21, 2013, I attended the Working Group meeting of NASPI  (the North American SynchroPhasor Initiative) in Huntington Beach, California. This Working Group includes several hundred EEs and a few computer scientists, working towards standardization and deployment of instrumentation for monitoring and control of electric power transmission grids around the world. The goal is a significant increase in reliability and efficiency of high voltage transmission.

Chinese Cyber Hackers Reportedly Acquire U.S. Weapon Designs

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Testimony before House Subcommittee on Cyber R&D

I had the opportunity to testify before Congress this week. I was a panelist at a joint hearing of the House Subcommittees on Research and Technology on February 26. The topic of the hearing was "Cyber R&D Challenges and Solutions". The hearing examined cybersecurity research and development activities, including standards development and education and workforce training. In addition, the hearing reviewed the Cybersecurity Enhancement Act of 2013 (H.R. 756).

SIGCOMM 2012 Report

In 2002, Dave Clark, John Wroclawski, Karen Sollins, and I wrote an ACM SIGCOMM conference paper entitled "Tussle in Cyberspace: Defining Tomorrow's Internet".

LACE at the 3rd U.S.-Japan/Japan-U.S. Future Network Collaboration Workshop

LACE is a collaboration between DETER and Japanese researchers from Japan's National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (NICT), the Nara Institute of Science and Technology (NAIST), the Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (JAIST), the University of Tokyo, and the StarBed testbed.  The focus of the collaboration has been on enabling new research through federating the StarBed and DETERLab testbeds.  At this meeting, researchers from both countries presented the results of the collaboration to the other investigators and

Using DETER for Real-time and Embedded Systems

One of the core objectives of the DETER Project is collaboration with researchers and developers of technology in particular domains of expertise, where the technology could benefit from the type of experimentation and testing facilities offered by DeterLab.

Active learning - path to the future

I've recently attended a workshop on using GENI testbed in education, which could broadly be viewed as "active learning with testbeds". There was a bunch of interesting talks - I'll outline the two that have stuck in my mind but they were all outstanding. For more info see:

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