SIGCOMM 2012 Report

In 2002, Dave Clark, John Wroclawski, Karen Sollins, and I wrote an ACM SIGCOMM conference paper entitled "Tussle in Cyberspace: Defining Tomorrow's Internet". The annual SIGCOMM (Special Interest Group on Communications) conference is the premier conference on research in computer networking.Our paper expanded on Clark's note suggesting the "tussle" notion, written within a DARPA-funded project exploring new Internet architecture ideas. The Tussle paper was a thoughtful discussion of the relationship between the technical design of the Internet and the conflicting interests of legal, economic, and social forces in society. Ten years later, I was astonished and pleased by a phone call from a SIGCOMM official, telling me that our Tussle paper would receive SIGCOMM's Test of Time award at the 2012 SIGCOMM meeting. In August 2012 the four authors of the Tussle paper traveled to SIGCOMM 2012 in Helsinki, receive the award in person. It was a most gratifying experience for me; it felt like a recognition of my 40 years in computer networking and nearly 60 years programming computers.

The conference itself was of high quality, as one expects of SIGCOMM. There were papers by many of the "usual suspects" on many of the usual topics -- e.g., routing, congestion control, and measurements. Unfortunately I was forced to miss much of the conference itself, confined to my hotel room working on a paper due that week I did have time to discover that Helsinki in sumer is a most delightful city.