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DeterLab provides the capability to conduct risk evaluations of cyber-physical systems where the controllable variables range from IP level dynamics to introduction of malicious entities such as DDoS attacks. I recently co-authored an article published in the IEEE Magazine that discusses how the cyber aspects and the physical aspects of such systems can be integrated together to provide a CPS risk assessment environment.
I had the opportunity to testify before Congress this week. I was a panelist at a joint hearing of the House Subcommittees on Research and Technology on February 26. The topic of the hearing was "Cyber R&D Challenges and Solutions". The hearing examined cybersecurity research and development activities, including standards development and education and workforce training. In addition, the hearing reviewed the Cybersecurity Enhancement Act of 2013 (H.R. 756).
In August I attended the International Symposium on Resilient Control (, which presents research aimed to enhance resilience in next-generation control systems. Our paper, titled "A Dual-Process Cognitive Model for Testing Resilient Control Systems", was awarded Best Paper in the Human Systems track. It is available at /sites/default/files/files/blythe_isrcs12.pdf.
DEFT is a collaboration between DETERLab, the University of Illinois, and the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) that is bringing large scale experimentation techniques to bear on problems in critical infrastructure. In particular DEFT is exploring networking of power systems. Using the DETER federation architecture, members of the collaboration have been able to interconnect data streams from local power facilities at UIUC and PNNL to each other and central systems at DETERLab. The result is a collaborative l
LACE is a collaboration between DETER and Japanese researchers from Japan's National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (NICT), the Nara Institute of Science and Technology (NAIST), the Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (JAIST), the University of Tokyo, and the StarBed testbed. The focus of the collaboration has been on enabling new research through federating the StarBed and DETERLab testbeds. At this meeting, researchers from both countries presented the results of the collaboration to the other investigators and
One of the core objectives of the DETER Project is collaboration with researchers and developers of technology in particular domains of expertise, where the technology could benefit from the type of experimentation and testing facilities offered by DeterLab.
I've recently attended a workshop on using GENI testbed in education, which could broadly be viewed as "active learning with testbeds". There was a bunch of interesting talks - I'll outline the two that have stuck in my mind but they were all outstanding. For more info see:
I attended the USENIX CSET Workshop last month. This was the 5th CSET workshop. The papers this year represented testbed designs, usage and education. We had two papers from the DETER team - "Beyond Disk Imaging for Preserving User State in Network Testbeds" by Jelena Mirkovic, Abdulla Alwabel and Ted Faber and "Analyzing Resiliency of the Smart Grid Communication Architectures under Cyber Attack" by Anas AlMajali, Arun Viswanathan, and Clifford Neuman. You can see copies of them and the presentations below.
As co-chair of the CSET '12 program committee, I'd like to invite everyone in the DETER community to join us Aug 6, 2012 in Seattle, WA, for a full-day workshop focused on experimental cyber security. The format is highly-interactive, with moderated sessions to encourage questions, discussions, and exploration of ideas. Speakers will present research talks on topics ranging from cyber security testbed architecture and technologies, to experimental analysis of BGP routing security, the Tor Network, and Smart Grids.
I am on the program committee for this interesting new workshop.
The workshop focuses on research that has a valid hypothesis and reproducible experimental methodology, but where the results were unexpected or did not validate the hypotheses, where the methodology addressed difficult and/or unexpected issues, or that identified previously unsuspected confounding issues.
Papers are due March 26. I encourage members of the DETER community to consider submitting
At the same time that I'm keynoting at the Annual Computer Security Applications Conference (ACSAC), the DETER team is launching a new Web site. The keynote address, the accompanying paper, and the web site are all part of a new level of information about the DETER project. I'm really looking forward to the talk and to announcing the new DETER web site that you see here.