DeterLab Capabilities

DETER’s DASH, Formal Human Systems Laboratory to Explore Collaboration in Computational Representations of Human Mental Models

DETER researcher Jim Blythe recently gave an invited talk on DASH (DETER Agents for Simulating Humans) to the University at Buffalo's Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering. Jim also met with Assistant Professor Matthew L. Bolton and members of his Formal Human Systems Laboratory (FHSL) to explore potential collaboration on computational representations of human mental models for cybersecurity.

Israel’s CREATE Expands and Evolves DETERLab’s Community

CREATE, Cyber Research, Experiment and Test Environment, is now operational and it is run by the Israel Inter-University Computation Center (IUCC) at their cyber unit. CREATE is the result of a strategic partnership between the DETER Project, the Israel National Cyber Bureau (INCB), and IUCC. It is a localized version, also referred to as a cluster, of the USC Information Sciences Institute’s (ISI) DETERLab cyber experimentation facility that runs DETER Core.

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