On June 11, DETER will attend the SmartAmerica Expo and participate in "The SmartAmerica Challenge," to demonstrate DeterLab’s capabilities in testing and proving cyber technologies that monitor and help secure key and critical Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS).
The SmartAmerica Challenge is bringing together organizations with Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) technology, programs, and testbeds to demonstrate the potential to improve safety, sustainability, efficiency, mobility, and overall quality of life. Cyber-Physical Systems are connected Internet devices and systems that come from various sectors that include transportation, energy, manufacturing, and healthcare. "The Challenge" aims to accelerate advances in the field by providing a venue for innovators to present concepts for interconnected CPS technology as well as to demonstrate the potential to improve the economy by fueling job creation, creating new business opportunities, and saving lives.
The SmartAmerica Expo will be held at the Washington DC Convention Center. It is the culminating event where attendees will interact with the teams, listen to their talks on collaborative efforts and outputs for creating socio-economic goals, watch their demonstrations, and participate in discussions on how these interconnected smart systems can provide tangible benefits to our everyday life. The teams will demonstrate projects that comprise areas in robotics, autonomous vehicles, UAVs, search dogs, 3D printing, security technology, healthcare systems, and advanced communications. There will also be keynote speakers from the White House and government agencies that include GSA, DOT, DHS, HHS, DOD, NSF, and DOC.
The DETER Project is participating in "The Challenge" as part of a team comprised of five leading universities, one national research lab and three industrial corporations that are headquartered in eight states. This team will demonstrate a set of synergistic scenarios to fuel ongoing analysis, research and development for US policy makers and energy researchers. These scenarios will help ensure the nation achieves the benefits of an “Industrial Internet” while protecting against its abuse.
The group includes researchers from USC, Iowa State University, North Carolina State University, the MITRE Corporation, National Instruments, the National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Pennsylvania State University, the Scitor Corporation and the University of North Carolina.
For more information visit:
• http://www.nsf.gov/news/news_summ.jsp?cntn_id=131690&WT.mc_id=USNSF_51&WT.mc_ev=click
• www.smartamerica.org
DETER’s participation is funded by DHS and NSF.